# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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2006-01-29 [Jentianrysk]: ?
2006-01-29 [Jentianrysk]: Sorry, lost it for a minute there. *sits down*
2006-01-29 [Lust]: No shit
2006-01-29 [Frosty French Fry]: You get to kill whenever you are called...
2006-01-29 [Lust]: =)
2006-01-29 [Jentianrysk]: Okay I'll be a good Assassin...*lo
2006-01-29 [Lyfe and Death]: when can i go blow sumthing up
2006-01-29 [Lust]: So unpatient
2006-01-29 [the_puetzj]: ya no doubt......but anyways who am i to talk
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: Impatience leads to early graves...
2006-01-30 [Jentianrysk]: so true
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: Never make the first move but be damn sure you make the last
2006-01-30 [Jentianrysk]: I hear and obey, o armed and dangerous one
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: ...i beg your pardon?
2006-01-30 [the_puetzj]: somebody is just making smart remarks here
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: I see...
2006-01-30 [Jentianrysk]: No disrespect intended, here. Just wanna shoot shit
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: keep your safety on, the time will come...this isnt it
2006-01-30 [Kaze]: Leave my toilet out of this.
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *walks in with a giant sword slung over his back* Nice place...
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, i see youve arrived dante
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Yeah... This looks pretty sweet... I think I could get used to it
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: if you ever get "thirsty" you can always retreat to the bar
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: I don't think they serve my preferred beverage, if you know what I mean.
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, yes, i wouldnt imagine they do
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Hah *smirks* I wonder if the mafia's ever had someone like me in their ranks...?
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: i would hae to say no but i havent been here that long
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: You know, maybe I should've applied to be a spy... That would be fun...
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: not my area but i suppose you could always ask
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Nah...
2006-01-30 [Kaze]: The main thing to remember.. is to ignore my randomness... *nods*
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: and dont piss off the don
2006-01-30 [Kaze]: <.<;; That too.
2006-01-30 [Kaze]: ...and don't screw with the Don's stripper.
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: just generally dont mess with anyone directly connected to the don
2006-01-30 [Lust]: Wow, you guys are smart! And have been behaving! Even better! I'm so proud!
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: i aint got any reason to misbehave yet *grins*
2006-01-30 [Lust]: *Glares* And you wont find one.
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: party pooper
2006-01-30 [Lust]: I like looking good.
2006-01-30 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *leans against the wall* Misbehavior...
2006-01-30 [Lust]: And you are?
2006-01-30 [Blinded Seraphim]: That would be my friend dante, i hope you dont mind but i added him as a weapons expert
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Yeah... I'll beat it if you don't want me around
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I would of liked to been informed on who is being added and around in the family, but that is fine, you are welcome to stay if you are behaved.
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: If by 'behaved', you mean 'fond of the quiet, lonely corners', then yes
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Sure, just dont cause trouble that is not needed.
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Got it boss *leans against the wall and slowly sinks down, folding his arms and crossing his legs, and falls asleep*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: *blinks a few times* Well then
2006-01-31 [Jentianrysk]: I have to behave??? *pouts and cleans a shotgun*
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: *sits down in his chair and polishes his sword*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yes, you do. If not you are in deep fuckin shit.
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: *lightly runs his finger along the blade* nice and sharp...
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: What just changed?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: We have a new Guard and a new Stripper
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: ah, i see, i need to pay attention to our family list more...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Ehh its all good...
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: hey the new stripper is my friend :D
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Thats awesome
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: yes and she is nice :D lol
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Thats good =)
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: is she good at what she does? *laughs*
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: don't know never met her lol
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: So how do you know she will be a good stripper here? *grins*
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: I don't
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Find out.
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Tries so hard to keep from laughing* only one way to find out...
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: does she honestly have to prove herself? lol
2006-01-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: it wouldnt hurt
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: well true
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: *walks into room* how yall doin?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: say hello to my newest assassin
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: *nods and smiles a lil bit*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Guys, heads ouda your pants. New assassin, assassin list is getting big, I'm liking this...!
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: As am I...This could get fun, the bigger the Hit Skwad, the bigger the hit can be
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: hell yeah, the more the merrier!
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Are you training them good?
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: hey, you want another assassin? like, tonight?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: im tryin...I think Im gonna make a training grounds wiki.....for them
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: whatever you say boss,...
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: in here, Lynneys the boss, talking to me privately, im your boss..call me something else in here
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: aiight hun,...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: ... Are you gay?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: is who gay??
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Anyone? I dont know I'm tired again.
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i'm bi,...
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: well thats a girl..
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: I think she thought you were a guy
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: oh really? am i the only girl assassin?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: yep...I think thats extremely attractive
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: oh really? kool,...how's it working with my lil bro?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: umm, he hasnt got in contact with me
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i know, i just talked to him, he'll be with you shortly,...in the mean time i gotta get some sleep, night hun,...*kiss on the cheek*
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: night babe
2006-01-31 [Jentianrysk]: *stumbles into room* All wait no drink... I'm happy now! *passes out*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I'm about to put her as a whore/stripper if I see any more of that.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: umm no, shes an assassin, thats it.......besid
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Heh, calling her babe, hun, kisses, talking about her being bi, so on. Let us keep this more to a room, please and thank you.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: ok, umm, no...it was a kiss on the cheek, and shes the only female assassin, I can call her babe or hun if I want....and that bi thing only came up cause you said "you gay?"
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I see how it is.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: Hey, I mean no disrespect, I was just sayin, ya know
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I'm debating what I should do with you, now. You did do that, disrespect me, if she is going to cause a problem and you are going to act like that towards me something WILL be done.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: Shes not going to cause any problems, shes my assassin, I didnt realise that she was so much of a problem to you
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Here, this will make things better.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: NO..that doesnt make anything better...shes not a fucking stripper...she
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Then make sure you ACT like it, and her. End of story.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: I dont see why her callin me hun is so bad, she actually calls me boss (since I am her boss), but I told her not to in here cause YOU were the boss
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: ok calm down
2006-01-31 [Lust]: What about the strange vibe of flert I got? And do you not have a name?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: I dont know about the strange vibe.....maybe thats just you....what do you mean "do you not have a name"
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Matt. And that is how you referd to. End of story.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: touchy touchy......so angry
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yes I am. Deal with it.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: If I would have known that she was gonna cause you so much damn trouble, I would have just told her to not talk to me in here
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Thats fine, but if I was all over you I think that would cause trouble as well, no? Now drop it.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: all over me??...she was not all over me...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Drop it, end of story, do I make myself clear? Its fine to talk, just dont get close.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: HOW WAS SHE ALL OVER ME?!?!? I want to know that much Boss
2006-01-31 [Lust]: The name calling, the kiss on cheek, the saying of attractive. If it would of been longer I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys went to a closet.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: yaa..riiight, ok....So I think that a female assassin is attractive, big deal....shes got a bf, it was a friendly kiss on the cheek, and as for the name calling, I call almost every girl hun or babe
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Okay fine, what ever, do you wanna be the fuckin Don?
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: No I dont actually, im fine with being an assassin
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yeah huh, well I quit for a few days, I cant take it, run the mafia on your own right now, dont change anything. Just enjoy.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: well if you must do that, just put me at the top as Temp. Don then.....when you are ready to come back, tell me, I will relinquish my power
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: I dont think you should, you are a great boss
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: hey now don't quit :(
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Fuck it, all everyone does is argue me. I want to keep everyone in line, but no. No one respects it, god.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: well, thats what happens...I know it cant be easy......I was just arguing a valid point
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: see I can't say anything to keep you here without argueing with you which sucks cause that would prove your point
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I love chocolate
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I love candy
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I love cotton candy
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: All I say is that if you must take a break, I will hold this steady for you..keep it running...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I love milk
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Have fun.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: SHES NOT LEAVING!!!! *THROWS CONFETTI*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: ..............
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: YAY :)
2006-01-31 [Lust]: For some reason I just have an euge to kill you both *shurgs*
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: *takes out gun* I will gladly give you my gun, I would die by my bullet for you.
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I'll pass for right now.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: So be it
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yup.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: o.0 what is this??
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Their we are.
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: OOOOOOOOO a poll lol
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: a poll? creative,...i like this,....
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: I like waffles..
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: waffles are good,....but only chocolate chip,...
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: You Shpeek Lies! *dances seductively*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Lmao! Down boy!
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Aww. v__v I can't even do my job without complaints.
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Lmao! Are you still making the pic of the bar?
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Workin on it..? AKA: designing it in the back of my head, because I don't know how it should look, and no one wants to tell me, and I don't feel like taking complaints IF someone doesn't like it. :D
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Have you seen cyody(sp) ugly?
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: o.O? I have... no idea what you're talking about..?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Coyoty ugly, the movie, with the girls that dance half nakkid on the bar..
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: Coyote Ugly -->the movie
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Oh! oh yea, okay that movie, yea I've seen it.. (and its Coyote)
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Hello! I got it the second time! A bar like that?
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Mkay then.... *teh google search*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: =) Have fun <3
2006-01-31 [Lust]: *waits*
2006-01-31 [Bran the Blessed]: hello all
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yay! He has made it =P
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: OOOO we have a medical person now lol
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yeah, for dumb ass' who like to get shot
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: lol well then they should be more careful lol
2006-01-31 [Lust]: But they aint! And with missions slowly coming we need him!
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: that is very true
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yuppers! And we need.. OH IDEA!
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: for what?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: The Elfpack Mafia Training Grounds [Frosty French Fry] [Fion Faolan] [Blinded Seraphim] Are in control of that, I guess.
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Hey I know what this place could use...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: What?
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: A fight club...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: We shall see, who are you?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Oh your new
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Yeah...
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: oh, im partially in charge of that huh....hmm..th
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: If you do set up a fight club, I got the first two rules... 1. You do not talk about Fight Club, 2. You do not talk about Fight Club
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: Someones obsessed with the movie
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Ahh you knew it was comin'... But actually no, I just saw it on FX once... It was cool though...
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: I think if we have anything to do with fighting...we need to own a whole building with a gym and boxing ring and all that shit
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Sounds cool...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Should we? "work out station" lmao! erms..
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I need to say this..
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Out of the more than 360 described species of sharks, only 4 have been confirmed to have killed humans: the Great White, Tiger, Bull, and Oceanic Whitetip sharks. These sharks, being large, powerful predators perfectly capable of eating humans, will sometimes attack and kill people, but all of the above sharks, even the Great White, have been filmed in open water, with no cage, time and time again, without incident. There are many theories about why sharks attack people. Some claim that the shark is confusing a human for a seal or other prey animal; this would be typical in the case of an attack against a surfer. Often the shark that attacks a human will make only one bite and then go away.
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: yes we should
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I'm reasearching! So it was coppy and pasted from my work! ^-^
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Okays! Being made!
2006-01-31 [Lust]: What should it be called? *blinks*
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: The Gym?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Ohh! Thats smart!
2006-01-31 [Lust]: The Elfpack Mafia Gym
2006-01-31 [Lust]: o.o..
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i'm so tired,...some chick tried to get me mad at my dustin
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Umm.. Block her? And find out the truth?
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